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Henan issued urban renewal guidelines!We will comprehensively improve the development of livable, resilient and smart cities

Release time: 2023-09-25Source: Henan Daily client

  9月24日,The reporter learned from the provincial housing department,The General Office of the Provincial Government recently issued the Guiding Opinions on the Implementation of Urban Renewal Actions.,明确By 2025, the pilot work of urban renewal will have achieved notable results, a number of pilot projects with demonstration effects will be built, a policy mechanism and standard system for urban renewal will be initially established, "urban diseases" will be effectively alleviated, the urban living environment will be more beautiful, and the urban governance system will be more perfect。By 2035, the urban renewal system and mechanism with Henan characteristics will be more perfect, the weak areas of urban development will be basically supplemented, the comprehensive functions of cities will be significantly enhanced, the construction level of livable, resilient and smart cities will be comprehensively improved, and urban life will be more convenient, more comfortable and better。


  ➤ Zhengzhou, Luoyang and Air port areas should earnestly implement the national requirements on actively and steadily promoting the transformation of urban villages in megacities,Other cities need to adapt to their own realities,According to the characteristics of different types of urban villages such as urban center type and suburban type,Combined with the construction quality, living environment, the will of the masses, historical and cultural protection and other factors, reasonably determine the renovation and upgrading, demolition and new construction, demolition and integration of transformation methods。

  ➤Renovation and improvement should strengthen urban and project design, show traditional cultural features, focus on the implementation of basic projects such as safety hazard remediation, infrastructure improvement, and public service function improvement, as well as public space construction, overhead line management, parking lot optimization, charging facilities construction, professional property service introduction and other upgrading projects。

  ➤ Demolition and reconstruction should respect the resettlement wishes of residents, and arrange land supply and construction of resettlement housing projects first。

  ➤ We will encourage the use of surplus resettlement houses or upgraded urban village houses as low-income rental housing to provide living space for new citizens and low-income groups。

  ➤ Make innovations in land transfer methods, and explore flexible land supply methods such as plan transfer, agreement transfer, long-term lease, leasing before leasing, combination of leasing and leasing, flexible term, and investment at fixed price (as shares)。

  ➤ State-owned land use rights holders are encouraged to carry out urban renewal by themselves or by means of transfer, shares, joint ventures, etc。

  ➤ We will explore the establishment of housing health examination, pension and insurance systems to ensure the safety of housing throughout its life cycle。

  We will adhere to regional linkages, systematically promote the renovation of old urban communities, and make up for weaknesses in water, electricity, communications, gas, heat, sanitation, roads, parking, and charging facilities. By 2025, we will basically complete the renovation of old urban communities that need to be rebuilt before the end of 2000。

  ➤ Explore the block-based property management model and solve the problem of scattered areas without property management in old residential areas。

  ➤ We will explore the establishment of special funds for urban renewal at the provincial and municipal levels, and encourage and assist qualified localities to apply for and make full use of local government special funds and bonds。

  ➤ We will expand and strengthen government financing platforms, leverage social forces to participate in urban renewal, and actively guide real estate and construction companies to participate in urban renewal projects。

  ➤ Support eligible urban renewal projects to apply for real estate investment trusts。

  ➤ Encourage financial institutions to innovate medium - and long-term financial loan products, diversify ways to increase credit, and actively provide financing support for urban renewal projects。

  ➤ It is encouraged to inject operational assets such as parking, public housing and advertising in the project area, as well as related assets, franchise rights or future earnings rights formed after urban renewal into the project implementation body。

  The full text is as follows:

  General Office of Henan Provincial People's Government
  Guidelines on the implementation of urban renewal actions
  Henan Government Office (2023) No. 51

  The people's governments of the provincial cities, Jiyuan Demonstration Zone, Aviation Port Zone Management Committee, provincial people's government departments:

  In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Party's 20 major Congress, implement urban renewal in a solid and orderly manner, and promote high-quality urban development, with the agreement of the provincial government, the following opinions are proposed in combination with the actual situation of our province, please seriously implement。

  I. General requirements

  (1) Guiding ideology。Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,全面贯彻党的二十大精神和习近平总书记关于城市工作的重要论述,Implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner,Follow the law of urban development,Adhere to the people-centered approach,We will accelerate the transformation of the urban development model,Optimize the stock, improve the quality, improve the structure, highlight the characteristics, improve the efficiency,We will promote intensive, green and low-carbon development,Build livable, resilient and smart cities。

  (2) Work objectivesBy 2025, the pilot work of urban renewal will have achieved notable results, a number of pilot projects with demonstration effects will be built, a policy mechanism and standard system for urban renewal will be initially established, "urban diseases" will be effectively alleviated, the urban living environment will be more beautiful, and the urban governance system will be more perfect。By 2035, the urban renewal system and mechanism with Henan characteristics will be more perfect, the weak areas of urban development will be basically supplemented, the comprehensive functions of cities will be significantly enhanced, the construction level of livable, resilient and smart cities will be comprehensively improved, and urban life will be more convenient, more comfortable and better。

  3. General Principles。

  1.People-oriented, improve quality。We will ensure that people's cities are built by the people and that people's cities are for the people,We will take improving people's livelihood as the starting point and goal of urban renewal,Organic integration with civilized city creation,Concentrate on solving the people's "urgent difficulties and worries",Give full play to the enthusiasm and initiative of the people,We will continue to enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security。

  2.Government guidance and market operation。Strengthen government guidance, strengthen government financing platforms, give full play to the role of the market, continue to optimize the business environment, encourage and support various market players to participate in urban renewal, and form a diversified and sustainable renewal model。

  3.Problem-oriented, systematic planning。Comprehensive assessment of prominent problems in urban development through urban physical examination, scientific preparation of urban renewal planning, adhere to overall planning, overall promotion, scientific and technological empowerment, establish a whole-life cycle management awareness, and systematically implement urban renewal。

  4.Adopt policies based on local conditions and categories。In light of the differences in urbanization stages, industrial development needs, resource endowments and the foundation of economic and social development, the scope and scale of renewal should be reasonably determined, the necessary and expansion items for renewal and transformation should be clearly defined, and the path, policy and mechanism innovation should be actively carried out, and the policies should be scientifically and accurately implemented。

  5.Hold the bottom line and advance steadily。Adhere to the bottom line of safe development, do your best to do what you can, demonstration drive, steady progress, clear the negative list, adhere to the "stay, change and demolition" at the same time, to retain the use of improvement, to prevent major demolition and construction, a reasonable grasp of the pace, focus on long-term operations, to avoid "movement" promotion。

  (4) Mode type。Combine building quality, style and regional functional characteristics,Through regulation and upgrading, reconstruction and improvement, demolition and new construction and other ways,Continue to improve and optimize the adjustment of urban spatial form and function,To achieve the goals of reshaping urban space, perfecting urban functions, improving living environment, reviving urban culture, restoring ecological environment, and optimizing economic structure。The types of urban renewal mainly include: comprehensive improvement of residential areas, industrial agglomeration and efficiency, public service quality improvement, cultural inheritance and characteristic style shaping, infrastructure upgrading, urban safety and resilience improvement, green development and ecological restoration, smart empowerment management, etc。

  2. Key tasks

  1. Upgrading and upgrading old urban residential areas。Strengthen the structural performance testing of old and dilapidated houses in cities and towns, find out the bottom number, file and card management, and sell numbers。We will accelerate the seismic reinforcement of urban houses, schools, hospitals, elderly care institutions and other important public buildings that are not earthquake-resistant, have potential earthquake-resistant safety risks and are worthy of reinforcement。Strengthen the safety investigation and rectification of self-built houses, and effectively eliminate the safety hazards of self-built houses。We will explore the establishment of housing health examination, pension and insurance systems to ensure the safety of housing throughout its life cycle。Adhere to regional linkage, systematically promote the renovation of old urban communities, and make up for the shortcomings of water, electricity, communications, gas, heat, sanitation, roads, parking, charging and other facilities, and by 2025, basically complete the renovation of old urban communities completed by the end of 2000 and in need of renovation。Explore the block-based property management model to solve the problem of no property management in scattered areas of old residential areas。

  2. Prudently advancing the transformation of urban villages。Zhengzhou City, Luoyang city, aviation port area should seriously implement the national requirements on the megacities to actively and steadily promote the transformation of urban villages,Other cities need to adapt to their own realities,According to the characteristics of different types of urban villages such as urban center type and suburban type,Combined with the construction quality, living environment, the will of the masses, historical and cultural protection and other factors, reasonably determine the renovation and upgrading, demolition and new construction, demolition and integration of transformation methods。Renovation and improvement should strengthen urban and project design, show traditional cultural features, focus on the implementation of basic projects such as safety hazard remediation, infrastructure improvement, and public service function improvement, as well as public space construction, overhead line management, parking lot optimization, charging facilities construction, professional property service introduction and other upgrading projects。Demolition and reconstruction should respect the resettlement wishes of residents, and arrange the land supply and construction of resettlement housing projects first。We will encourage the use of villagers' surplus resettlement houses or upgraded urban village houses as low-income rental housing to provide living space for new citizens and low-income groups。

  3. Enhancing urban vitality。Make full use of idle and inefficient land to support the development of scientific and creative enterprises, and enhance the attractiveness of high-end industries and talents。We will strengthen the renovation of old factories and warehouses, and introduce modern service industries such as scientific and technological research and development, sports and fitness, elderly care services, cultural creativity, and "Internet +"。Tap the old market value, make up for the shortcomings of facilities, improve the internal and external environment, improve the service function, and create a convenient place for the people。We will renovate and upgrade old commercial districts and promote the organic integration of food, shopping, tourism, cultural and entertainment exhibitions。We will promote functional transformation, industrial transformation, and vitality improvement of old neighborhoods, introduce new business forms and models, and create a number of boutique neighborhoods with local characteristics such as traditional cultural streets and commercial streets。

  4. Improving the quality of urban public services。Focusing on the goals of improving urban functions, intensive land use, and affordable housing for residents, we will optimize the structure of urban construction land and give priority to protecting land for public interest projects such as urban infrastructure and public service facilities。Strict standards for the provision of public service facilities,Focus on "one old, one young and one strong",Through the replacement, replacement, transformation and other ways,We will accelerate efforts to improve education, medical care, childcare, elderly care, food markets, community canteens, and domestic service outlets,Promote the building of integrated communities,Expand the coverage of the quarter hour convenient living circle。We will expand urban public activity space, renovate and build a number of public cultural venues such as libraries, cultural centers, art galleries and museums, as well as sports venues such as multifunctional sports venues, sports parks, fitness trails and small fitness venues。We will promote facility sharing, spatial linkage and functional integration between industrial parks and urban living areas, improve the overall quality of cities, promote balance between jobs and housing, and accelerate the integrated development of industry and city。

  5. Strengthen the shaping of urban features and the protection and inheritance of historical culture。We will strengthen management of shaping urban features。Promote overall urban design and strengthen the control of urban landmark system, skyline, color, height and density。Prepare detailed urban renewal plans, and implement control requirements such as building height, important landscape nodes, open space, and regional characteristics。Explore the implementation of the chief architect responsibility system, and give the chief architect of the city a professional voice in urban renewal and urban design management。Strengthen the protection and utilization of historical and cultural blocks, historic buildings and big trees, old trees and famous trees that represent the city's memory,We will strictly control large-scale demolition, expansion and relocation,Insist on staying as long as possible,Retain and utilize the existing buildings, maintain the pattern and scale of the old city, and continue the urban characteristics,To preserve the memory of the city,Enhance the attractiveness of cities。

  6. Strengthening systematic construction and upgrading of infrastructure。Implement the renewal and transformation of "broken roads" and "side roads" to smooth the "microcirculation" of urban traffic。We will strengthen the implementation of standards by tapping the potential of stock, strengthening new construction, and sharing with neighboring countries, make up for shortcomings in parking facilities, and promote the construction of communications infrastructure and public charging facilities。We will continue to upgrade urban gas pipelines and other pipe networks and improve the quality and efficiency of urban sewage treatment。We will strengthen the construction of emergency backup water sources in cities and the interconnection of multiple water sources, accelerate the renovation of old secondary water supply facilities, and build water-saving cities。Promote the construction of sponge cities in the whole region, and basically eliminate black and odorous water bodies in county-level cities and built-up areas of county counties by 2025。Coordinate municipal infrastructure and urban underground space, promote the construction of comprehensive pipe corridors (trenches) according to local conditions, and achieve "one map" of urban underground infrastructure planning, "one chess game" of construction, and "integration" of management.。We will promote the construction of basic platforms for urban information models, strengthen the construction of information and communication infrastructure networks such as 5G in communities, accelerate the development of smart communities and smart property, implement intelligent construction and renovation of municipal infrastructure, and jointly develop smart cities and smart connected vehicles。

  7. Improving the resilience of urban security。We will carry out a comprehensive survey of urban infrastructure, and accelerate the establishment of a dual prevention mechanism for multi-level security risk management and control and hidden dangers investigation and management。Integrate the information systems of gas, electric power, communications, Bridges, integrated pipe corridors and other facilities, build the urban lifeline safety operation monitoring system on the urban operation management service platform, and achieve all-round monitoring, timely warning, accurate traceability, and real-time disposal。We will coordinate urban flood control and drainage, optimize the layout of urban flood control and drainage channels and the spatial distribution of flood detention and storage, and systematically improve areas prone to flooding and flooding。We will steadily promote the construction of dual-use public infrastructure, improve urban emergency preparedness, and coordinate urban development and security。We will improve the urban disaster monitoring, early warning and emergency planning system, establish an urban emergency rescue command system featuring unified command, departmental linkage, military and local coordination, smooth operation, and efficient handling, and enhance urban safety and resilience management capabilities。

  8. Promoting green urban development and ecological restoration。On the basis of ecological protection and environmental governance, we will promote an ecological and environment-oriented development model to achieve mutual promotion between ecological construction and economic development。Adhere to the concept of green urban development and promote the realization of the "double carbon" goal。We will build high-quality green and low-carbon buildings, and promote energy conservation and green transformation of existing buildings。We will strengthen the construction of classified collection, utilization, and disposal facilities and collaborative treatment of solid waste such as household waste, municipal sludge, and construction waste, and promote the construction of a "waste-free city.。Vigorously promote the public transport-oriented development model, improve the population and job coverage around rail stations, standardize and reasonably set up bus lanes, and strengthen the connection between rail transit stations and urban public transport and slow traffic systems。We will promote orderly ecological restoration of damaged mountains, water bodies, shorelines, urban wastelands and polluted land, and restore the natural ecology of cities。Reasonable optimization of the green space system, through the demolition of illegal construction green, break hard green, see the gap green, etc., the construction of pocket parks, green Spaces for the people, urban greenways, to build a complete and coherent green space system。Promote the opening and sharing of parks and green Spaces, and create a national ecological garden city。

  9. Improving refined and smart urban governance。We will improve the overall coordination mechanism of urban management committees,We will establish and improve mechanisms for daily scheduling, special research and assessment of urban management,We will improve urban governance standards,Integration promotes urban renewal and the creation of civilized cities,We will move the focus of urban governance and resources to the grassroots,We will strengthen urban grid management,We will comprehensively enhance our capacity for urban governance。The implementation of pipeline under the ground, advertising under the wall, parking into the warehouse, demolition of illegal construction and walls of the "two down, two into two demolition" action to improve the quality of the city。It is supported by technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and 5G,Relying on the provincial government big data platform,China Unicom integrated urban operation management services related information system,Pooling and sharing data resources,We will accelerate the construction of an urban operation management service platform system,By the end of 2025, the "one network management" system and mechanism of urban operation and management will be basically improved。

  3. Implementation path

  (1) Conducting physical examination assessment。Adhere to the "one year one physical examination, five years one assessment", the establishment of "find problems - rectify problems - consolidate and improve" urban physical examination work mechanism。Adhere to problem-oriented, goal-oriented and result-oriented, focus on solving difficulties, blocking points and pain points, and reasonably determine urban renewal tasks and projects。City-level cities fully carry out urban physical examination, county-level cities and counties with conditions should actively carry out urban physical examination, and encourage all places to focus on resilient cities, style quality, and complete communities to carry out special physical examination and district physical examination。

  (2) Formulating renewal plans。According to the results of urban physical examination, connect related plans, comprehensively consider the relationship between urban renewal and special plans such as industrial development and heritage protection, prepare urban renewal plans, specify key areas, objectives and tasks for renewal, delimit renewal units, classify unit renewal strategies and design control requirements, and clarify the construction sequence。The urban renewal plan shall be submitted to the government at the same level for approval before implementation, and submitted to the urban renewal department of the government at a higher level for the record。

  3. Formulating action plans。Adhere to regional overall planning, establish a sense of whole-life cycle management, prepare urban renewal action plans according to urban renewal planning, systematically plan urban renewal projects, clarify goals and tasks, construction scale, renewal timing, and reasonably determine project funding sources, implementation methods, and operation models。The urban renewal action plan shall be implemented after examination and approval by the government at the corresponding level。

  (4) Promoting project implementation。Local government urban renewal departments should reasonably determine the subject of project implementation, establish an evaluation and withdrawal mechanism, and ensure the smooth implementation of the project。The project implementation body shall be responsible for the preparation of the specific implementation plan, and shall organize the implementation according to law after submitting it to the competent urban renewal department for review。Projects involving the protection and inheritance of historical culture should meet the relevant requirements of the protection of historical and cultural cities, and carry out historical and cultural resources investigation and evaluation demonstration in accordance with the law。The project implementation plan should aim to create high-quality space and stimulate the vitality of the city, and clarify the overall planning, overall design, revitalizing assets, investment and financing, system construction and operation management。

  5. Persisting in demonstration and driving。We will organize and carry out pilot work on urban renewal, explore working mechanisms, models, policies and measures, and technologies for urban renewal, promote green and smart transformation of urban construction throughout its life cycle, and summarize replicable and scalable experiences。We will promote spatial renewal, industrial development and ecological governance in an integrated way, and implement a number of demonstration projects in the renovation of unit blocks, the improvement of municipal facilities, the restoration of ecological Spaces, the activation and utilization of existing buildings, the efficient use of inefficient land, and the improvement of safety and resilience。

  Fourth, safeguard measures

  1. Improving land use policies。We will improve policies on land use change, integration and replacement in order to encourage compatible land use and mixed building functions。We will improve systems for registering land for urban renewal, calculating and paying land prices, making up land transfer fees, and distributing land value gains。We will innovate land transfer methods, and explore flexible land supply methods such as plan transfer, agreement transfer, long-term lease, first lease and then concession, combination of lease and concession, flexible term, and investment at price (as shares)。State-owned land use rights holders are encouraged to carry out urban renewal by themselves or by means of transfer, shares, joint ventures, etc。Marginal land, sandwich land, flower arrangement land and other scattered land around urban renewal projects that do not have independent development conditions can be included in urban renewal projects for overall utilization, focusing on improving regional public service facilities, and can be allocated or agreed to transfer land procedures。

  2. Strengthening planning support。The project land nature, building height, building density, floor area ratio and other indicators in the urban renewal area can be appropriately optimized after demonstration and implementation of the statutory modification procedure of the controlled detailed planning under the premise of protecting public interests and meeting the renewal objectives。In the urban renewal to undertake the responsibility for the protection of cultural relics, history and culture, or there is an increase in urban infrastructure and public service facilities, innovative industrial housing, public housing and urban public space, etc., can be awarded the floor area ratio。Due to the actual implementation difficulties, after meeting the safety requirements such as fire protection and seeking the consent of relevant right holders, the green land rate, building density, building boundary withdrawal and spacing, motor vehicle entrances and exits of some plots can be controlled at no lower than the current level。

  3. Strengthening financial security。Give full play to the dual role of the government and the market, and raise funds through multiple channels。We will promote the integration and overall use of all types of funds, actively seek support from the central government, explore the establishment of special funds for urban renewal at provincial and municipal levels, and encourage and assist qualified localities to apply for and make full use of local government special funds and bonds。Expand and strengthen government financing platforms, leverage social forces to participate in urban renewal, and actively guide real estate, construction and other enterprises to participate in urban renewal projects。Support eligible urban renewal projects to apply for real estate investment trusts。Encourage financial institutions to innovate medium - and long-term financial loan products, enrich credit enhancement methods, and actively provide financing support for urban renewal projects。Encourage the project area parking, public housing, advertising and other business assets and urban renewal formed after the formation of related assets, franchise rights or future income rights into the project implementation body。

  5. Organization and implementation

  1. Strengthen organizational leadership。The establishment of the governor as the leader, the executive vice governor, the deputy governor in charge of housing urban and rural construction work as the deputy leader, the relevant departments of the province is mainly responsible for the members of the provincial urban renewal work leading group, coordinate the promotion of urban renewal and urban quality improvement work, coordinate the solution of relevant major issues。The leading group has an office, which is located in the provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。All relevant departments should assume their respective responsibilities, coordinate and work together to form synergy。All localities should establish mechanisms to promote urban renewal。

  2. Improving the support system。We will accelerate the legislative work of updating local regulations and government rules in cities in accordance with the legislative authority and procedures, and improve supporting policies and standards。Strengthen the construction of scientific and technological innovation capacity for urban renewal, form a number of technology application demonstrations, and promote the development of urban renewal industries。Optimize the approval process of engineering projects that meet the requirements of urban renewal, innovate the classification and approval mechanism of urban renewal projects, include important projects in the white list of ecological and environmental factors guarantee, and simplify the approval process。

  3. Strengthen guidance and evaluation。Provincial and municipal expert committees on urban renewal have been established to guide and review urban renewal plans, action plans, implementation programs, and projects。Establish a work scheduling mechanism, summarize and promote advanced experience and practices in a timely manner。We will formulate standards and methods for the evaluation of urban renewal work, and strengthen the evaluation of performance and effectiveness。

  4. Strengthen publicity and training。Actively mobilize the masses to participate in urban renewal work, and extensively solicit opinions and suggestions from the masses。We will strengthen the training of leading officials on urban renewal policies and operations, and effectively improve the professional quality and ability of officials at all levels。Summarize excellent cases and promote typical experience。New media such as radio, television, newspapers and the Internet will be used to strengthen urban renewal policies, publicize their effectiveness, and create a good social atmosphere。


General Office of Henan Provincial People's Government

  September 14, 2023

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

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